Missouri Election Integrity Reform

Secretary Ashcroft is working with the 2022 Missouri legislature to put in place election reforms that would include:

  • Photo ID requirements for in-person voting coupled with strong ID requirements for absentee voting.
  • Using hand-marked paper ballots rather than electronic voting machines.
  • Enact legislation, with the necessary funding included, that would allow the secretary of state to audit election results.
  • Develop procedures to limit the handling of cast ballots by election authorities and eliminate the curing of absentee ballots.
  • Require election authorities to maintain accurate, up-to-date voter rolls and withhold funding if necessary for noncompliance and allow the secretary of state’s office to audit the list of registered voters for accuracy and accountability.
  • Enable physical cybersecurity testing at the local level by the secretary of state’s office or authorized party that includes penetration testing of vendor machines, programs and systems.
  • Only use election equipment that is not capable of internet connectivity to avoid the possibility of electronic manipulation.
  • Disallow election law or rule changes less than 26 weeks prior to a presidential election.
  • Eliminate third-party compensation for those who solicit voter registrations.