Contributed by Joyce Farmer Finney
In 1948, it seemed my dad, mom and I were the only Democrats in Adair Co. Mo. That did not keep my dad from expressing loud and clear how he felt about Harry Truman, all favorable. The morning after the election he went to his barber shop and crowed like a rooster at everyone who came into the shop. It's a wonder he hadn't been knocked in the head for being so happy that day in Kirksville, Mo. He was Homer Farmer the barber.
Contributed by Mary Carter Brisk
Truman in Illinois with Richard Carter (father of the contributor) after election, holding up the "Dewey Defeats Truman" paper
On Friday, November 5, Truman returned to Washington in triumph. The welcome was the biggest, most enthusiastic outpouring for a President in the history of the capitol. . .at least 750,000 — two thirds of the city — lined his route from Union Station to the White House. . .Confetti showered down. A band played "I'm Just Wild About Harry." Truman waved his hat and smiled. (McCullough, David. Truman. Simon & Schuster: New York, 1992. Page 718-719)
Contributed by Rose Sigillito
I was born and lived for many years in Washington D.C. When I was in school, I remember that we were dismissed from classes in order for us to go to Union Station to welcome President Truman back to Washington. He had just surprised everyone and won the 1948 election! I remember the excitement of all of us as we waited for the president to arrive.