Archives :: Research :: Researcher Agreement
Welcome to the Missouri State Archives! To ensure that we continue to meet your needs, we have developed these guidelines to make your experience a pleasurable one.
Confirmed appointments are recommended. Please check in at the Reference Desk and acknowledge that you have read and understand these policies. Staff members are available to answer any questions you may have. We appreciate your assistance in helping preserve our collections and keep staff and other researchers safe and healthy.
1. Per the SOS policy, wearing masks is optional. Hand sanitizer is available in the reference room, but should not be used when handling original records.
2. Free lockers are available to store your personal possessions, including purses, briefcases, bags and coats. These items are not allowed in the research room. Archives holdings are legally protected by RSMo 570.210. Locker keys must be returned at the end of the day.
3. Researchers are not allowed to bring food or drink into the Archives. Smoking is not allowed inside the James C. Kirkpatrick State Information Center.
4. Staff members are available to provide instruction on the use of finding aids and equipment.
5. Researchers are allowed to browse the reference room book collections. Finding aids are available for the county histories and the catalogued books are available through the Archives Catalog on the website.
6. Staff will pull and deliver all microfilm or records requested by researchers. Please leave all materials at your workstation. Staff will take care these records once you leave your workstation.
7. When using original records, you will be requested to wash your hands with soap and water before going to your station. Hand sanitizer and hand lotion cannot be applied before handling records. Hand sanitizer will be available as you leave.
8. To protect fragile holdings, the Archives reserves the right to restrict access, photocopying, and imaging of some material. A maximum of two boxes of research material is allowed on tables at any time. Researchers will be required to wear gloves (furnished) when using original photographic materials. Researchers will be given microfilm or digital copies rather than original documents, if available. Advance request must be made for use of original records on Thursday evenings and Saturdays.
9. Remove only one folder from the box at a time. When using a folder, maintain the exact order of the material in the folder and do not remove materials from the folders. Handle all items with care. Please keep all items flat on the tabletop. Loose sheets and volume pages should be handled by their edges.
10. Only notebooks, laptops, pencils and research papers are allowed in the research room. Materials should be supported on the tables at all times to protect them from damage. We recommend that you bring your own pencils, but we can provide pencils if needed.
11. Researchers using the original records workstations are encouraged to bring your own laptop, as you may not have access to a computer. Laptop bags will not be allowed in the reference room.
12. Writing on or on top of original materials is not permitted.
13. Photocopies cost $0.10 per page. Please fill out a Copy Request Form to facilitate copying. There is no charge for saving scanned images to USB drives. Staff can provide details on fees for non-standard copy requests. Fees must be paid upon completion of the day’s research.
14. Archives materials do not circulate and are not available through inter-library loan.
15. Failure to abide by the above rules may result in the loss of research privileges.