Archives :: Research :: Military Records
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Military Records
The archives holds many military records of Missourians who served in domestic and foreign wars between 1812 and World War II. These records primarily consist of individual service cards. In some cases other information is available, such as payrolls, muster and descriptive rolls, reports, orders, and claims.
Search service cards available in the Soldiers' Records: War of 1812-World War I Database
View Office of the Adjutant General Finding Aids
Contact Reference Staff at [email protected] or via the online request form for research or copies.
War of 1812
Alphabetical file containing information from muster rolls and military bounty land records reflecting, in most cases, period of service, place of muster-in, county of residence, and amount of payment for service. No family or personal descriptive information.
Indian Wars - Blackhawk, Seminole, Osage, 1832-1838
Service card records, which in most cases indicate the date and place of enrollment and date of release. No family or personal descriptive information. Some payroll records are available for the Osage War.
Mormon War, 1838
Alphabetical card file listing period of service only. No family or descriptive information. Some payroll records are available.
Iowa War, 1839
Alphabetical card file listing period of service and organization only. No family or descriptive information. Some payroll records are available.
Mexican War, 1846-1847
Alphabetical card file and service card records containing date and place of enlistment and date and place of release. Age at time of enlistment is sometimes stated. No family or descriptive information.
Civil War, 1861-1865
Guide to Civil War Resources at the Missouri State Archives
[ Civil War Provost Marshal Index Database ]
Provost Marshal records contains thousands of pages of documents detailing the way the provost marshal affected the lives of Missouri citizens who came into contact with the Union Army. This database is an index to the microfilm of the Union Provost Marshals’ File of Papers Relating to Individual Citizens, Union Provost Marshals’ File of Papers Relating to Two or More Civilians, and Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops for the State of Missouri.
Alphabetical card file and service card records reflecting date and place of enlistment together with date and place of release (not in all cases). Some individual descriptive information on file for some regiments. No family information. Also includes morning reports, clothing issue, orders, and letters.
Alphabetical card file containing record of service. Information on record of service card is often incomplete. Confederate pension applications and applications for admission to the Confederate Home are also available. Accumulated files number only approximately one-half of the reported 40,000 men who served from Missouri.
Civil War Refugees in the Ozarks: Some basic sources for Genealogist and Historians.
Civil War Claims Commission, 1874
Missouri Militia, 1865-1900
County enrollment lists for 89 of the 114 counties for the period immediately following the Civil War (1865-1866). Place of residence and personal descriptive data is available. There are some files of Missouri Militia covering the 1866-1900 period. No family information available.
Missouri National Guard, 1877-1960
A wide variety of records including enlistment contracts, service files, regimental returns, and muster rolls. Level of information dependent on series and time period.
See also:
Spanish-American War, 1898
Alphabetical index available by regiments. Holdings consist of those who were members of the Missouri National Guard and entered with their regiment. Personal descriptive information available in most cases.
Naval Militia, 1905-1960
Alphabetical service records for Missouri men who served, with varying contents depending on the individual. Some individuals who served in the Navy in WWI or WWII may have also served in the Naval Militia.
See also:
World War I, 1917-1918
Alphabetical file of discharge cards for Missouri men who served. There are some claims records covering 1917-1923.
See also:
World War II, 1941-1945
Alphabetical Reports of Separation (DD-214s) outlining basic service information for Missouri men and women who served, including WACs and WAVES.
Due to the inclusion of Social Security numbers on some records contact Reference Staff for copies.
See also:
RSMo 41.170, Office of the Adjutant General, states that a certificate of war service shall be given on request, without charge, to any veteran or lineal descendant of a veteran. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Missouri State Archives