July 20, 2023
Contact: JoDonn Chaney, (573) 526-0949


Ashcroft’s Statement on Supreme Court’s Ruling Regarding Abortion Initiative Petitions 

Jefferson City, Mo. — Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft has issued a statement concerning the Supreme Court of Missouri’s ruling (SC100132) pertaining to abortion related initiative petitions that were filed with his office.

The high court upheld a lower court decision requiring the attorney general to submit his approval of a fiscal summary within 24 hours – that period will expire midday tomorrow, July 21, 2023. 

The court brief made note that the secretary of state was limited in performing his statutory duty to certify the ballot language. “Because of this logjam, the Secretary could not – and, to this day, cannot-complete his duty by certifying the official ballot titles for the proposed petitions.”

Ashcroft has long maintained that he could not proceed in the process without the necessary components.  “In this process, though many said we could certify without a fiscal note, our hands were tied.” Ashcroft said.  “We cannot go forward until I have all the pieces.  That’s the law – and we will follow it.”

Ashcroft will have 3 business days to complete the certification once the approved fiscal note from the state auditor is delivered to his office.


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