WHEREAS, the establishment and appointment of a Private Industry Council for Balance of State-Missouri as a condition for receipt of certain federal funds is required by Public Law 95-524 and regulations thereunder established by the United States Department of State.
WHEREAS, the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 has authorized the Governor to create by executive order such councils as may be necessary to receive federal funds and to make such adjustments or modifications in the assignment of agencies, programs or operations as may be necessary to conform with the federal law or regulations to receive federal funds; and
WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 51, of the Missouri Constitution as amended, requires that all members of administrative boards and commissions appointed by the Governor shall be made only by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
WHEREAS, the duties imposed by Public Law 95-524 on the Private Industry Council involve administrative functions other than functions related solely to the administration of the council and mandates that the members be appointed by the Governor, thus requiring the appointees to be subject to confirmation by the Missouri Senate.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH P. TEASDALE, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, do hereby declare and direct that there is created the "Missouri Private Industry Council", to serve the Balance of State-Missouri, to consist of such number of members as may, from time to time, be deemed necessary by the Governor of the State of Missouri for the proper conduct of the program. However, the Council shall not number less than seven members. Of the total number of voting members, a majority shall, at all times, be representative of business and industry (including small and minority business.) The business and industry representation shall be approximately one half small business and shall, to the extent possible, reflect different types of industries doing business in the state. For the purpose of this Order, small business is defined as any business having 500 employees or less. Additional representation shall be from labor, education, and community based organizations and other organizations or groups having an interest in the programs to be developed.
The members of the Missouri Private Industry Council shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
The functions and responsibilities of the Missouri Private Industry Council are as follows:
- The Council shall be the primary vehicle of the Prime Sponsor for redirecting employment and training activities from public and private non-profit subsidized employment of CETA participants to permanent, unsubsidized positions in the private sector.
- The Council shall serve as the business and industry contact point in the local employment and training system and will present the private sector's view and recommendations for making programs more responsive to local employment needs.
- The Council shall advise and provide direction to the Prime Sponsor on ways to increase private sector job placements of CETA clients.
- The role and responsibilities of the Private Industry Council are primarily advisory in nature, but may include the provision of technical assistance to the Prime Sponsor in carrying out his activities.
- The Council shall determine and recommend to the Prime Sponsor specific functions, responsibilities, reporting procedures and methods of operation.
- The Council shall review, evaluate and comment upon existing and proposed Prime Sponsor plans involving employment or training in the private sector.
- The Council shall advise the Prime Sponsor on specific employment and training projects.
- The Council shall assist in the development of increased private sector support of all CETA programs.
- The Council shall advise the Prime Sponsor on standards and specifications for training in particular occupations.
- The Council shall advise the Prime Sponsor on methods and procedures for establishing direct linkages with private sector employers.
- The Council shall review and state concurrence with Title VII program plans of the Prime Sponsor as outlined in the regulations issued thereunder.
- The Council shall develop a positive image for CETA, the Private Industry Council and the Private Sector Initiative Program.
- The Council shall educate the private sector on the value of PIC, PSIP and CETA.
- The Council shall recommend a methodology for providing the Prime Sponsor with current and projected employer labor demand on a continuous basis.
- The Council shall suggest a system to reduce, simplify, or deal with current regulatory "red tape" to encourage employer participation.
The Missouri Private Industry Council hereby established is within the Department of Social Services for administrative purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, this 7th day of February, 1980.
[Joseph P. Teasdale's signature]
[James C. Kirkpatrick's signature]
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