WHEREAS, the effectiveness of early identification and treatment of job performance problems related to psychological, financial, or marital difficulties or drug or alcohol abuse has been demonstrated; and,
WHEREAS, the State of Missouri has therefore established the State Employee Assistance Program heretofore administered through the Department of Mental Health for the purpose of providing referral services to state employees encountering such problems; and,
WHEREAS, the State of Missouri desires to expand the statewide availability and utilization of the State Employee Assistance Program to enhance the operation of all departments of state government; and,
WHEREAS, the Office of Administration is responsible for providing general administrative services throughout state government;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHRISTOPHER S. BOND, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby Order as follows:
The State of Missouri shall focus its resources with respect to job performance problems of state employees through the "State Employee Assistance Program" (SEAP) which is hereby transferred from the Department of Mental Health and assigned to the Office of Administration. The SEAP shall be administered by a staff director appointed by the Commissioner of Administration. A Coordinating Committee of SEAP is hereby established, which shall be composed of a Coordinator appointed by the director of each department. The Commissioner of Administration, and four members of the Coordinating Committee selected by the Commissioner of Administration, shall constitute the Steering Committee for SEAP. The Steering Committee shall provide policy guidance and advice regarding program improvement to the Coordinating Committee and the staff director. This order shall be effective immediately and shall supersede all previous orders pertaining to the same subject.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri in the City of Jefferson on this 17th day of June, 1982.
[Christopher S. Bond's signature]
[James Kirkpatrick's signature]
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