On the extraordinary occasion which exists in the State of Missouri:
I, Christopher S. Bond, Governor of the State of Missouri, by this Proclamation convene the Eighty-First General Assembly of the State of Missouri in the First Extra Session of the Second Regular Session; and,
I hereby call upon the Senators and Representatives of said General Assembly to meet in their respective places in the State Capitol in the City of Jefferson at the hour of 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time, August 16, 1982; and,
I hereby state that the action of said General Assembly is deemed necessary concerning each matter specifically and especially designated hereinafter as follows:
- Legislation and supplemental and emergency appropriations for the purpose of implementing Article III Section 37(d) of the Constitution of the State of Missouri, enacted by the voters of Missouri on June 8, 1982 and effective thirty days thereafter, as follows:
- Legislation authorizing the Board of Fund Commissioners to contract indebtedness on behalf of the State of Missouri, and to issue bonds as evidence thereof, in an amount not to exceed seventy-five million dollars, for the purposes set forth in said Section 37(d);
- Legislation specifically authorizing projects pursuant to Subsection (3) of said Section 37(d);
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations for those projects set forth in paragraph 1(b) hereof;
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations for projects involving the repair, replacement or maintenance of state buildings or facilities for which at least 20% of any year's appropriation from the Third State Building Fund are reserved, according to Subsection (1) of said Section 37(d);
- Legislation specifically authorizing projects for the purpose of stimulating economic development in this state as set forth in Subsection (2) of said Section 37(d); and,
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations for those projects set forth in paragraph l(e) hereof;
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations as follows:
- To the State Election Subsidy Fund, pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 526, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective May 20, 1982, with respect to the costs of the special election held on June 8, 1982;
- To the Economic Development Reserve, pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in House Substitute for House Committee Substitute for House Bills Nos. 1568 & 1423, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982, and to the Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation and Licensing and to the Department of Revenue for costs associated with implementation of said Bills;
- To the Industrial Development Fund, pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in Conference Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 681, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982, and to the Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation and Licensing for costs associated with implementation of said Bill;
- To the Higher Education Research fund and the Higher Education Applied Projects Fund, pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in House Bill No. 1375, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982, and to the Department of Higher Education for costs associated with implementation of said Bill;
- To the Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation and Licensing, and to the Department of Revenue, for costs associated with implementation of Senate Committee Substitute for House Committee Substitute for House Bills Nos. 1713, 1686, 1542 & 1791, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982;
- From the fair Share Fund for distribution to the schools in this state on an average daily attendance basis and no other, pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in Senate Committee Substitute for House Committee Substitute for House Bills Nos. 1548 & 1543, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982;
- To the Department of Revenue for costs associated with implementation of House Committee Substitute for House Bills Nos. 1351, 1464 & 1507, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982;
- To the Tort Defense Fund, for the purposes set forth in Section 105.710 RSMo. Supp. 1981, as amended by House Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 1169, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective April 1, 1982, and by House Bill No. 1196, as passed by the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-First General Assembly, effective August 13, 1982, and to the Attorney General for costs associated with litigation expenses incurred on behalf of the state and for costs associated with representation of current and former state employees and officials in situations in which the Attorney General may not represent said employees and officials as a result of a conflict of interest; and,
- To the State Park Earnings Fund, for the purpose of funding fringe benefits associated with Personal Service costs previously transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the State Park Earnings Fund;
- Legislation to amend Chapter 204, RSMo, for the purpose of increasing or eliminating the maximum legal interest rate which bonds issued pursuant to Article III Sections 37(b) and 37(c), for the protection of the environment through the control of water pollution, may bear; and,
- Emergency legislation to amend Chapter 51, RSMo, for the purpose of authorizing the county governing body to authorize additional compensation for the county clerk in each county of the third and fourth class.
- Such additional and other matters as may be recommended by the Governor by special message to the General Assembly after it shall have convened.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, City of Jefferson, this 6th day of August, 1982.
[Christopher S. Bond's signature]
[James Kirkpatrick's signature]
James C. Kirkpatrick
Secretary of State
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