On the extraordinary occasion which exists in the State of Missouri:
I, Christopher S. Bond, Governor of the State of Missouri, by this Proclamation convene the Eighty-Second General Assembly of the State of Missouri in the First Extra Session of the First Regular Session; and,
I hereby call upon the Senators and Representatives of said General Assembly to meet in their respective places in the State Capitol in the City of Jefferson at the hour of 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time, October 19, 1983; and,
I hereby state that the action of said General Assembly is deemed necessary concerning each matter specifically and especially designated hereinafter as follows:
- Legislation and supplemental and emergency appropriations for the purpose of implementing Article III Section 37(d) of the Constitution of the State of Missouri, enacted by the voters of Missouri on June 8, 1982 and effective thirty days thereafter, as follows:
- Legislation authorizing the Board of Fund Commissioners to contract indebtedness on behalf of the State of Missouri, and to issue bonds as evidence thereof, in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty million dollars, for the purposes set forth in said Section 37(d);
- Legislation specifically authorizing projects pursuant to Subsection (3) of said Section 37(d);
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations for those projects set forth in paragraph 1(b) hereof;
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations for projects involving the repair, replacement or maintenance of state buildings or facilities for which at least 20% of any year's appropriation from the Third State Building Fund are reserved, according to Subsection (1) of said Section 37(d);
- Legislation specifically authorizing projects for the purpose of stimulating economic development in this state as set forth in Subsection (2) of said Section 37(d); and,
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations for those projects set forth in paragraph 1(e) hereof;
- Legislation to provide state funding to school districts that provide education programs and services to children under five years of age and their parents;
- Legislation to establish a fund for the purpose of providing job training and retraining assistance and to provide for the administration thereof;
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations to the Department of Corrections and Human Resources for the purpose of providing additional personnel and training, and for initial implementation of Conference Committee Substitute for House Committee Substitute for Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 122, as enacted by the First Regular Session of the Eighty-Second General Assembly, and for certain expenses related to the foregoing subjects;
- Legislation relating to certain procedures in alcohol and drug related traffic offense actions;
- Legislation and supplemental and emergency appropriations to the Department of Revenue for the purpose of improving the collection, deposit, administration and enforcement of certain state taxes and state tax laws;
- Legislation to increase state revenues through revision of state laws pertaining to taxation;
- Legislation and supplemental and emergency appropriations to the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of strengthening the enforcement powers of the Department of Agriculture with respect to animal health standards;
- Legislation to extend, beyond the expiration date of December 31, 1983 as set forth in Section 94.655 RSMo Supp. 1982, the authority of certain cities to establish and fund transportation trust funds;
- Legislation relating to regional economic development districts and legislation relating to tourism taxes in certain counties;
- Legislation authorizing the State of Missouri to enter into an interstate low-level radioactive waste compact and such companion legislation as may be necessary thereto;
- Legislation relating to eligibility of persons for Aid to Families with Dependent Children;
- Legislation authorizing licensed practical nurses to administer intravenous fluid treatments under certain conditions;
- Supplemental and emergency appropriations as follows:
- To the Board of Fund Commissioners for the cost of issuing and processing Third State Building Bonds, as provided by law;
- To the Office of Administration for the Division of Design and Construction for certain leasing, relocation and other expenses relating to renovations at the Kansas City State Office Building;
- To the Office of Administration for the Division of Design and Construction for minority contractor assistance;
- To the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the purpose of monitoring certain school desegregation plans now being implemented pursuant to court orders;
- To the Office of the Attorney General for costs associated with certain desegregation litigation; and,
- Such additional and other matters as may be recommended by the Governor by special message to the General Assembly after it shall have convened.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, City of Jefferson, this 13th day of September, 1983.
[Christopher S. Bond's signature]
[James Kirkpatrick's signature]
James C. Kirkpatrick
Secretary of State
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