WHEREAS, 348.250 RSMo Supp. 1983, authorizes the governor to establish a private not for profit corporation named the "Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology"; and
WHEREAS, members of the Board of Directors of the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology have been appointed pursuant to 348.255 RSMo Supp. 1983; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology conducted a public hearing on November 28, 1983, and gave all interested parties an opportunity to review and comment on proposed articles of incorporation, by-laws and methods of operation of the corporation as required by 348.250 RSMo Supp. 1983; and
WHEREAS, 348.250 RSMo Supp. 1983, authorizes the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology to perform functions set out in 348.260 RSMo Supp. 1983, if it satisfies the conditions required by 348.255 RSMo Supp. 1983, and is certified by the governor; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology has complied with the provisions of 348.250 and 348.255 RSMo Supp. 1983:
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by 348.250 RSMo Supp. 1983, I, Christopher S. Bond, Governor of the State of Missouri, hereby certify the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 25th day of January, 1984.
[Christopher S. Bond's signature]
[James C. Kirkpatrick's signature]
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