WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in an America, where, because of the color of their skin, nearly one in ten lived lives that were separate and unequal; and
WHEREAS, Dr. King awakened something strong and true, a sense that true justice must be color blind, and that among white and black Americans, as lie said, "their destiny is tied up with our destiny, and their freedom is inexplicably bound to our freedom; we cannot walk alone."; and
WHEREAS, in 1964 Dr. King became the youngest man in history to win the Nobel Peace Prize; and
WHEREAS, Dr. King called on us to emphasize what is right about America, what is noblest and best, what human beings have pursued since the beginning of history; and
WHEREAS, his nonviolent campaigns brought reconciliation and justice; and
WHEREAS, our nation has decided to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by setting aside a day each year to remember him and the just cause he stood for; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri General Assembly has designated the 15th day of January as "Martin Luther King Day" and has provided that celebration shall be at the option of the employee; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that a state commission recommend and foster activities for the celebration of Martin Luther King Day, within the guidelines set by the Missouri General Assembly.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN ASHCROFT, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby create and establish the Martin Luther King, Jr. State Celebration Commission.
The duties of the Commission shall be to consider and recommend to individuals and organizations appropriate activities for the recognition and celebration of Martin Luther King Day in the State of Missouri. The Commission shall consist of five individuals appointed by the Governor, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor shall designate one of the members as chairman.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. State Celebration Commission shall be a continuing commission, and shall meet as necessary at the call of the Chairman, to accomplish those things within its charge.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 2nd day of December, 1985.
[John Ashcroft's signature]
[Roy D. Blunt's signature]
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