WHEREAS, the safety of persons and property within the State of Missouri may be threatened by conditions of extreme peril resulting from the effects of natural or man-caused disasters which endanger life, property and resources of the State; and
WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the State of Missouri to develop and maintain a high degree of preparedness for protection from and response to such conditions and, to provide assistance for establishing, organizing and maintaining disaster preparedness plans and programs within the political subdivisions of the State; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that specific functions and responsibilities be assigned to certain State agencies in relation to disaster preparedness and the provision of emergency services; and
WHEREAS, in order that the most effective use be made of all resources and facilities that are available to cope with any disaster, it is necessary that all plans and programs within the State relating to disaster preparedness be coordinated to the extent practicable with similar services of the State, its political subdivisions, the Federal government and agencies of the private sector.
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the powers and authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of Missouri including Chapter 44, Missouri Revised Statutes, it is ordered as follows:
- The Director, State Emergency Management Agency, a division within the Office of the Adjutant General, is responsible for the development and coordination of State plans for meeting conditions constituting a state of emergency, except those emergency plans specifically assigned to other State agencies, and the submission thereof to me for promulgation. Further, the Governor's Chief of Staff is hereby designated as the Governor's Authorized Representative for Federal disaster assistance, and will also serve as the State Coordinating Officer for such assistance.
- The head of each department, bureau, board, commission and independent institution in State government, hereinafter referred to as an agency, is responsible for the emergency planning and preparedness within such agency, and shall designate a responsible staff position within such agency to function as agency coordinator for emergency preparedness matters.
- The State emergency plans shall delineate specific assignments of emergency functions to state agencies cognizant of similarities between emergency functions or assignments and routine functions and responsibilities.
- Each state agency shall prepare intra-agency plans, checklists or procedural guides necessary to ensure accomplishment of emergency assignments as specified in State emergency plans. Intra-agency plans shall contain sufficient information to ensure:
- Timely notification and activation of agency personnel for response activities.
- Protection of agency personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities and vital public records against the destructive forces of disaster.
- Utilization of minimum resources in the continuation of normal services and redirection of all other resources to accomplish objectives in accordance with the State emergency plan.
- Authority is hereby granted each State agency to train employees in the execution of emergency assignments through intra-agency training programs or through participation in training programs offered by the State Emergency Management Agency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 22nd day of August, 1986.
[John Ashcroft's signature]
[Roy D. Blunt's signature]
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