WHEREAS, the establishment and appointment of a State Job Training Coordinating Council for Missouri is a condition for receipt of certain federal funds as required by the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Public Law 97-300, as amended, and further amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act (OTCA), Public Law 100-418, and regulations established thereunder by the United States Department of Labor; and
WHEREAS, the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 authorized the Governor to create by executive order such councils as may be necessary to receive federal funds and to make such adjustments or modifications in the assignment of agencies, programs or operations as may be necessary to conform with the federal law or regulations to receive federal funds;
NOW THEREFORE, I, JOHN ASHCROFT, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of Missouri, hereby create and establish the Missouri Job Training Coordinating Council (MJTCC) to consist of such members, not to exceed thirty, as may from time to time be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The MJTCC shall be assigned for administrative purposes to the Division of Job Development and Training within the Department of Economic Development.
In accordance with the terms of JTPA Public Law 97-300, as amended, Section 122(a)(3), and further amended by OTCA Public Law 100-418, Section 6304, the MJTCC membership shall be as follows: a) Thirty percent shall represent business and industry (including representatives of agriculture, where appropriate), including representatives of business and industry who are on State Private Industry Councils; b) Thirty percent shall represent the state legislature, state agencies, state organizations, units of general local government (or consortia of such units) who are nominated by the Chief Elected Officials of such units or consortia, local educational agencies (who shall be nominated by local educational agencies) and other agencies such as the Governor determines to have a direct interest in employment and training and human resource utilization in the state; c) Thirty percent shall represent organized labor and community based organizations in the state; and d) Ten percent shall represent the general public, as appointed by the Governor. Members of the MJTCC shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
In accordance with JTPA Public Law 97-300, as amended, Section 122(b)(1-8),(c), and further amended by OTCA Public Law 100-418, Section 6302, the functions of the MJTCC shall be as follows:
- Recommend to the Governor JTPA Substate service delivery areas and provide advice to the Governor on the designation of OTCA substate areas and substate grantees, including advice on the procedures for selecting representatives of OTCA substate areas;
- Plan JTPA resource allocations not subject to Section 202(a) of JTPA and provide advice to the Governor regarding these and the use of OTCA funds, including advice on the methods for allocation and reallocation of OTCA funds, including the methods for distribution of funds reserved for allocation among substate grantees and any funds subject to reallocation;
- Provide management guidance and review for all employment and training programs in the state; develop appropriate linkages with other programs, coordinate activities with Private Industry Councils, develop the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plan; and provide advice and recommend variations to the Governor regarding the employment and training performance standards required by federal regulation;
- Review plans of all state agencies providing employment, training and related services, and provide comments and recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, the state agencies, and the appropriate federal agencies on the relevancy and effectiveness of employment and training and related JTPA service delivery systems in the state; including comments to the Governor and the Secretary of Labor on the review of state and substate programs for worker economic dislocation;
- Review and submit written comments to the Governor on the state dislocated worker plan and any modification to this plan, before its submission to the Secretary of Labor; including the review and submittal of written comments on each substate dislocated worker plan submitted to the Governor by any substate grantee;
- Review and comment on the State plan developed by the State employment service agency;
- Make recommendations regarding the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plan;
- Advise the Governor and local entities on job training plans and certify the consistency of such plans with criteria developed under the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plan for coordination of activities under JTPA with other federal, state and local employment related programs, including programs operated in designated enterprise zones;
- Review the operation of programs conducted in each service delivery area, and the availability, responsiveness, and adequacy of state services, and make recommendations to the Governor, appropriate Chief Elected Officials and Private Industry Councils, service providers, the General Assembly, and the general public with respect to ways to improve the effectiveness of such programs or services;
- Make an annual report to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Director of the Department of Economic Development, which shall be a public document, and issue such other studies, reports, or documents as it deems advisable to assist service delivery areas in carrying out the purposes of JTPA, Public Law 97-300, as amended;
- Identify, in coordination with the appropriate state agencies, the employment and training and vocational education needs throughout the state, and assess the extent to which employment and training, vocational education, rehabilitation services, public assistance, economic development, and other federal, state, and local programs and services represent a consistent, integrated, and coordinated approach to meeting such needs;
- Comment at least once annually on the reports required pursuant to Section 105(d)(3) of the Vocational Education Act of 1963;
- Review and comment on appropriate components of the state job opportunities and basic skills plan, as prepared by the state social services agency under the Family Support Act (Public Law 100-485), as they relate to job training and work preparation to assure the Governor that these programs are coordinated with JTPA and consistent with the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plan; and
- Make effective certain other responsibilities as may be required by the Family Support Act, Public Law 100-485, or any other subsequent federal legislation related to the state's employment and training system which may affect or amend JTPA.
In addition to the functions set forth above, the Governor may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, transfer functions which are related to functions under JTPA Public Law 97-300, as amended, to the MJTCC from any state coordinating committee for the work incentive program under Title IV of the Social Security Act or any advisory council established under the Wagner-Peyser Act.
As provided by federal law, the functions of the existing MJTCC will expire on December 1, 1988; therefore, this order shall be effective upon execution and shall supersede any and all Executive Orders pertaining to the same subjects, including Reorganization Plan No. 11 of 1980 and Executive Order 80-8, Reorganization Plan No. 12 of 1980 and Executive Order 80-9, Reorganization Plan No. 13 of 1980 and Executive Order 80-10, and Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1983 and Executive Order 83-1.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 5th day of December, 1988.
[John Ashcroft's signature]
[Roy D. Blunt's signature]
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