WHEREAS, THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES has authorized an early intervention program under PL 99-457 for handicapped infants and toddlers and their families based upon the finding that such a program is needed to:
- ENHANCE THE DEVELOPMENT of infants and toddlers with handicapping conditions and minimize their potential for delay,
- REDUCE THE EDUCATIONAL COSTS by minimizing the need for special education when they reach school age,
- ENHANCE THE CAPACITY OF FAMLIES to meet the special needs of their infants and toddlers with handicaps, and,
- MINIMIZE INSTITUTIONALIZATION and maximize the potential of handicapped individuals for independent living.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN ASHCROFT, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby declare and direct that it is the policy of the State of Missouri, through the designated lead agency of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and in cooperation with the Department of Health, Department of Mental Health, and Department of Social Services, to:
Develop and implement a statewide system of coordinated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, interagency programs that will provide appropriate early intervention services to all handicapped infants and toddlers and their families.
By the fourth year of Missouri's acceptance of funds under Part H, the statewide system will, at a minimum, conduct multidisciplinary evaluations, develop individualized family service plans, and make available case management services to all eligible children and their families.
The statewide system will include, at a minimum, the following components:
- The definition of the term 'developmentally delayed' to be used in Missouri for program implementation;
- Timetables to ensure appropriate early intervention services are available to all eligible by the beginning of the fifth year of participation in the federal program;
- A multidisciplinary evaluation of each eligible infant and toddler and the needs of the families;
- An individualized family service plan including case management services for each eligible infant and toddler;
- A comprehensive child find system;
- A public awareness program focusing on early identification;
- A central directory which includes early intervention services, resources, and experts available in Missouri;
- A comprehensive system of personnel development;
- A single line of responsibility through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for:
- the general administration, supervision, and monitoring of programs and activities,
- the identification and coordination of all available Federal, state, local, and private resources,
- the assignment of financial responsibility to the appropriate agency,
- the development of procedures to ensure services are provided in a timely manner,
- the resolution of intra- and interagency disputes, and,
- formal interagency agreements that define the financial responsibility of each agency for paying for early intervention services and procedures for resolving disputes;
- A policy pertaining to the contracting or making of other arrangements with service providers to provide early intervention services;
- A procedure for securing timely reimbursement of funds;
- Procedural safeguards related to:
- timely resolution of complaints by parent
- confidentiality of information
- examination of records by parents
- protection of the rights of children whose parents are unknown
- written prior notice in parent's native language regarding changes in services
- continuation of services not disputed;
- Policies and procedures relating to the establishment and maintenance of standards to ensure that program personnel are appropriately and adequately prepared and trained; and,
- A system for compiling data as required by the United States Secretary of Education.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 24th day of May, 1989.
[John Ashcroft's signature]
[Roy D. Blunt's signature]
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