WHEREAS, there are a variety of boards and commissions assigned to the departments of state government; and
WHEREAS, the governor appoints a majority of the members of those boards and commissions; and
WHEREAS, some of those boards and commissions are excepted by law from part or all of the state laws governing executive branch agencies with respect to procurement procedures for goods and services, travel regulations, conflicts of interest or open meetings and records; and
WHEREAS, it is important that the citizens of the state have confidence in the performance of all such boards and commissions; and
WHEREAS, the standards set in state laws governing executive branch agencies with respect to procurement procedures for goods and services, travel regulations, conflicts of interest and open meetings and records are designed to provide accountability and promote confidence in the agencies of state government;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN ASHCROFT, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, under the authority vested in me under the constitution and laws of this state, declare the following to be the policy of the executive branch of state government with respect to boards and commissions assigned to a department of the executive branch of state government:
- All boards and commissions which are excepted by law from part or all of the state laws governing executive branch agencies with respect to procurement procedures for goods and services, travel regulations, conflicts of interest or open meetings and records are to maintain policies containing the following:
- Procurement procedures and standards equivalent or substantially equivalent to those required by section 34.040 RSMo to be followed by state executive branch agencies in obtaining goods and services;
- Travel rules and regulations equivalent or substantially equivalent to state executive branch travel rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to section 33.09 RSMo, to be applicable to all members and employees of the board or commission;
- Conflict of interest standards for it members and employees equivalent or substantially equivalent to the standards relating to executive branch agencies found in sections 105.450 through 105.498 RSMo;
- Standards equivalent or substantially equivalent to the state laws found in chapter 610 RSMo governing open records and meetings of public governmental bodies.
- Where necessary to facilitate the adoption and execution of the foregoing policies, agreements should be entered between individual boards and commissions and the department to which those boards and commissions are assigned.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 28th day of February, 1992.
[John Ashcroft's signature]
[Roy D. Blunt's signature]
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