WHEREAS, the citizens of the State of Missouri deserve their government to operate in an effective, efficient and economical manner; and
WHEREAS, the State of Missouri is committed to productivity and efficiency in all departmental operations; and
WHEREAS, a comprehensive review of management and productivity provides a unique opportunity to transform existing policies, programs, and priorities to better meet the needs of Missouri citizens; and
WHEREAS, a partnership of the executive branch, the legislative branch and the private sector that works together can identify and recommend effective solutions to productivity issues;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mel Carnahan, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby create and establish the Commission on Management and Productivity.
The mission of the Commission shall be to identify ways to achieve cost savings, improve management operations, and enhance customer service. The Commission will review and make recommendations on management and productivity issues common to all departments including fiscal policy, workforce, efficient operations, customer service, automation, and organizational planning.
Membership of the Commission shall consist of ninety-three members including forty-three private sector members, sixteen state legislators, and thirty-four state managers.
The Commission will be comprised of one Steering Committee and six Task Forces. The Task Forces will conduct the analyses, and report their findings and recommendations to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee develops final recommendations and sets priorities that are reported to the Governor.
The Governor shall call the first meeting of the Steering Committee. The Committee shall meet as often as necessary to carry out its duties at such places as may be convenient for this purpose. A majority of the members shall be necessary to conduct Commission business. All actions of the Committee shall be by majority vote.
Within six months of the initial Steering Committee meeting, the Committee will deliver a report to the Governor with its recommendations. Within one year of the initial Steering Committee meeting, the Committee will deliver a report to the Governor detailing the status of the implementation of those recommendations.
Staff support to the Commission will consist of one full-time project manager. In addition, each of the executive branch departments will designate one support staff and one professional staff person to work full-time during the review and recommendation process. The Commission may utilize the services of executives, experts, administrative assistants, and other contributions from business and industry as it deems necessary to carry out its functions.
The Commission is authorized to call upon any department, office, division or agency of the state to supply such statistical data, program reports, or other information and assistance as it may find necessary in the discharge of its responsibilities under this Order.
This order shall expire on December 31, 1994, unless renewed by an Executive Order prior to that date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 7th day of December, 1993.
[Mel Carnahan’s signature]
[Judith K. Moriarty’s signature]
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