On the extraordinary occasion that exists in the State of Missouri:
I, MEL CARNAHAN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by this proclamation convene the Eighty-seventh General Assembly of the State of Missouri in the First Extra Session of the First Regular Session; and
I HEREBY CALL upon the Senators and Representatives of said General Assembly to meet in the State Capitol in the City of Jefferson on September 15, 1993; and
I HEREBY STATE that the action of said General Assembly is deemed necessary concerning each matter specifically designated and limited hereinafter as follows:
Legislation to facilitate funding of costs arising from the flooding and on-going recovery, by:
Proposing amendments to the Missouri Constitution, and enacting appropriate authorizing legislation to allow consolidation of the state's reserve funds to make available state revenues for flood relief expenses;
Appropriating funds for flood relief and mitigation;
Authorizing issuance of bonds, upon approval of the voters, to pay capital costs necessitated in whole or in part by the flood.
Non-tax legislation to facilitate flood recovery and prevention of similar catastrophes.
Confirmation of gubernatorial appointments by the Senate.
Such additional and other matters as may be recommended by the Governor by special message to the General Assembly after it shall have convened.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 3rd day of September, 1993.
[Mel Carnahan's signature]
[Judith K. Moriarty's signature]
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