WHEREAS, the Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority and the Division of Energy of the Department of Natural Resources have completed the comprehensive Missouri Statewide Energy Study; and
WHEREAS, the methodology of the study provided input from a broad array of interested parties encompassing social, economic, and political issues that impact the State of Missouri and its citizenry; and
WHEREAS, the Statewide Energy Study provides initiatives, recommendations, and action items to be considered for implementation to further the development of a long-term energy policy for the State of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, House Concurrent Resolution 16, as passed by the First Regular Session of the 87th General Assembly, mandates a written review of the state's obligations under the federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 to include specific mention of energy efficiency, construction technology improvements, and cost savings; and
WHEREAS, a long term energy policy contributes to the creation of a sustainable future in Missouri by using energy more efficiently, strengthening the economic base, and improving the environment; and
WHEREAS, development of energy policy and commitment of limited resources should be guided by a coordinating body, organized and assembled to reflect the interests of citizens, organizations, private business, utilities, and other energy interests;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mel Carnahan, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby establish a body to be known as "The Energy Futures Coalition" as follows:
- The Coalition shall be composed of at least 20 members and no more than 30 members, appointed by the Governor and serving at the pleasure of the Governor. Membership shall include representatives of the citizenry-at-large, not-for-profit entities, representatives of the private sector, utilities and other energy providers, universities, research organizations, media and local government.
- Within thirty days after the appointment of the members, the Coalition shall meet and organize by selecting, from among its members, a chairman, vice chairman and five a members to form an executive committee to act for and within the larger body. The Coalition may make rules and orders for the regulation of its proceedings as it deems proper and a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum. The Coalition shall meet at least quarterly, as determined by the chairman. The executive committee shall meet more frequently, as determined by the chairman.
- The primary role of the Energy Futures Coalition is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor. The Coalition will not design or operate actual programs, thus, preserving the objectivity and independence of the Coalition from any energy organization or program.
- The initial focus of the Coalition shall be a thorough analysis of the Statewide Energy Study to identify long- term requirements and opportunities, establish priorities for these based on the final report as mandated by HCR 16, and develop a consensus for recommendations and priorities on which others may act to create a sustainable energy future.
- The duty of the Coalition is to keep the citizens of Missouri updated on progress toward a more energy efficient future. The Coalition shall report such progress on an annual basis.
- Within one year from the Coalition's first meeting, the Coalition shall provide the General Assembly and the Governor with a written report addressing the findings of the Coalition and recommendations for state action.
- Members of the Coalition shall receive no compensation for their services, but will be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses connected with the performance of their duties.
- The Division of Energy of the Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority shall assist the Coalition and provide such services as may be required.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 2nd day of March, 1994.
[Mel Carnahan’s signature]
[Judith K. Moriarty’s signature]
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