WHEREAS, the Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority and the Division of Energy of the Department of Natural Resources have completed the comprehensive Missouri Statewide Energy Study; and
WHEREAS, the methodology of the study provided input from a broad array of interested parties encompassing social, economic, and political issues that impact the State of Missouri and its citizenry; and
WHEREAS, the Statewide Energy Study provides initiatives, recommendations, and action items to be considered for implementation to further the development of a long-term energy policy for the State of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, House Concurrent Resolution 16, as passed by the First Regular Session of the 87th General Assembly, mandated a written review of the state's obligations under the federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 to include specific mention of energy efficiency, construction technology improvements, and cost savings; and
WHEREAS, improvement in the efficient use of energy in state facilities, motor fuel efficiency improvements, alternative fuel considerations, and other management adjustments in state government to improve energy efficiency within state government should be implemented with expediency; and
WHEREAS, a coordinated work plan with the Energy Futures Coalition within the findings of the Statewide Energy Study, the HCR 16 Report, and the guidelines of enacted legislation can recommend and facilitate implementation of an energy policy relating to state facilities, operations, and fleet management;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mel Carnahan, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby set forth and establish an organizational body, to be known as the "Inter-Agency Energy Advisory Committee" as follows:
- The committee shall be composed of the Commissioner of Administration, the Director of the Division of Design and Construction, the Director of the Department of Natural Resources, the Director of the Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority, the Director of the Division of Energy, the Chief Engineer of the Department of Highways and Transportation, the Director of the Department of Conservation, and the Commissioner of Higher Education.
- The primary role of the Inter-Agency Energy Advisory Committee is to promote the efficient use of energy in state facilities through the implementation of state energy efficiency programs and policies to achieve energy cost reduction and savings through the efficient and effective use of inter-agency management and coordination. The committee and its members, or their designees, shall serve in two primary capacities: They shall support and coordinate the work plan and recommendations of the Energy Futures Coalition; and they shall serve as the implementation body for the provisions contained in Senate Bill 80 and House Bill 195.
- The Directors of the Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority, and the Commissioner of Administration shall coordinate the first meeting and determine the frequency of subsequent meetings of the Committee.
- The Department of Natural Resources, the Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority, and Office of Administration shall report on the activities and recommendations of the committee, when appropriate, to the Office of the Governor, the Chief Clerk of the House, the Secretary of the Senate, and the members of the standing committees of Energy and the Environmental in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 24th day of March, 1994.
[Mel Carnahan’s signature]
[Judith K. Moriarty’s signature]
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