WHEREAS, an effective disaster response and recovery system must have the well-being and recovery of Missouri citizens as a principal goal; and
WHEREAS, a collaborative effort by Missouri charitable and not-for-profit social service organizations and government agencies can improve the way services are provided to disaster survivors; and
WHEREAS, the Governor's Flood Recovery Partnership Group, convened to improve the coordination and delivery of services provided to survivors of the Flood of '93, has proven that government and charitable organizations can combine resources, coordinate efforts, reach disaster survivors and provide assistance that neither groups could provide as effectively alone; and
WHEREAS, the Flood Recovery Partnership Group has developed an effective model for public/private collaboration to improve Missouri's disaster response and recovery system;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mel Carnahan, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby establish a Disaster Recovery Partnership. The Partnership shall meet no less frequently than quarterly, and provide an annual report to my office and State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) on the status of disaster response and recovery for disaster survivors.
The Partnership shall be composed of governmental and private agency representatives. To form the initial membership of the Disaster Recovery Partnership, I will request nominations from the private agencies represented on the current Flood Recovery Partnership, asking them to designate one representative each. I also direct the state departments of Economic Development, Health, Missouri Housing Development Commission, Mental Health, SEMA, Social Services, the University of Missouri Extension Service and Office of Administration to designate one representative each with appropriate policy making authority. In addition, I will appoint two citizens at large, who are familiar with disaster response and recovery, to participate as members. The Disaster Recovery Partnership will be staffed by SEMA. I will appoint a co-chair from my office, and the private agencies shall select a co-chair from their representatives, to direct the work of the Partnership.
The Partnership's responsibilities shall include:
- Reviewing and implementing as appropriate the recommendations of the Flood Recovery Partnership.
- Reviewing the human services disaster response and recovery delivery methods, with a goal of changing the current over-dependence on initiation by the disaster victim to a system with primary initiation by care-givers and providers.
- Designing methods of more rapid collection and analysis of data on who are disaster victims and what are their needs, and developing a simplified intake system linked to centralized data banks to improve human services response and recovery services.
- Establishing more rapid and complete communications to disaster victims and care-givers during emergency response and recovery stages.
- Promoting, training, and supporting local committees, similar to the local unmet needs committees formed during the flood of 1993.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 13th day of September, 1994.
[Mel Carnahan’s signature]
[Judith K. Moriarty’s signature]
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