WHEREAS, Missourians should be free to live their lives and pursue their dreams beyond the limitation of mental illness; and
WHEREAS, access to effective mental health services should be provided in a coordinated and affordable manner; and
WHEREAS, I established by Executive Order 94-20 a committee to review the procurement of such services; and
WHEREAS, the Eighty-eighth Missouri General Assembly, First Regular Session, in HB 562, acted to further this goal by creating the "Review Committee for Purchasing" for the Department of Mental Health:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mel Carnahan, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby amend Executive Order 34-20 and make it consistent with HB 562 as follows:
- There is hereby created in the Department of Mental Health a committee to be known as the "Review Committee for purchasing" to review the manner in which the Department of Mental Health purchases services for persons with mental health disorders and substance abuse problems. By December 31, 1995, the committee shall recommend to the Governor and the General Assembly any changes that should be made in the Department of Mental Health purchasing systems, including whether the Department should follow a competitive purchasing model and, if so, the time frame for initiating such change. The recommendation of the committee shall be made in the context of state and national health care reform and with the goal of providing effective services in a coordinated and affordable manner.
- The review committee on purchasing created in section 1 shall be composed of nine members as follows:
- One member of the Mental Health Commission, appointed by the Governor;
- One representative of the Office of Administration, appointed by the Governor;
- The Governor or his designee;
- Two members appointed at large by the Governor, with one member representing the business community and one public member;
- Two members, with one appointed at large by the Governor, member being a private provider and one member being affiliated with a hospital;
- Two members, appointed at large by the Governor, who are consumers of mental health services or family members of consumers of mental health services.
- The review committee established in section 1 of this order shall be disbanded on January 1, 1996.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 30th day of May, 1995.
[Mel Carnahan's signature]
[Rebecca McDowell Cook's signature]
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