WHEREAS, Executive Order 94-26 established the Missouri Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation;
WHEREAS, Executive Order 94-26 expired, was reissued by Executive order 96-21, then reissued by Executive Order 98-19 which expired;
WHEREAS, the emergence of intergovernmental issues including state and federal aid, state and federal mandates, home rule, and others still requires increased communication and cooperation between the state and local governments; and
WHEREAS, a state-local partnership for problem-solving and planning will still be beneficial to both levels of government and to the people of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, the current and future shift of federal responsibilities to state and local governments still requires the establishment of a cooperative partnership between state and local government; and
WHEREAS, the state should continue to exercise leadership in fostering and encouraging development of a partnership between state and local government; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that private citizens continue to be involved in efforts to encourage a partnership between state and local government.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Holden, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, hereby re-establish the Missouri Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation. The Commission shall be composed of twenty-eight (28) members, as follows: five (5) private citizens who shall be appointed by the Governor; six (6) state officials who shall be appointed by the Governor; two (2) Senators (one of each party) who shall be appointed by the President Pro Tem of the Senate; two (2) Representatives (one of each party) who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; four (4) municipal elected officials who shall be appointed by the Missouri Municipal League; two (2) elected county officials who shall be appointed by the Missouri Association of Counties; two (2) local government administrators who shall be appointed by the Missouri City Management Association; one (1) member of the Missouri Fire Services Alliance appointed by the Alliance; one (1) Director of the Missouri Municipal League; one (1) Director of the Missouri Association of Counties; two (2) local government administrators who shall be appointed by the Missouri city Management Association; one (1) Regional Planning Commission Director appointed by the Missouri Association of Councils of Government; and one (1) school board member appointed by the Missouri School Board Association. Other members or state agencies may be appointed by the Governor as needed on a permanent or temporary basis.
The Governor shall designate one of the members of the Commission to serve as Chairperson, and the Chairperson shall call meetings of the Commission. The Missouri Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation is assigned to the Commissioner of Administration, who shall provide staff assistance as needed. Members of the Commission shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
The duties of the Commission are:
- To undertake, as it deems appropriate, research and investigation into issues and problems pertaining to state-local relations;
- To function as a clearinghouse for information relevant to intergovernmental issues;
- To serve as a vehicle of communication through which state and local government can meet to discuss and resolve shared existing and potential problems;
- To review and analyze proposed legislation and regulatory changes that affect state and local government relations;
- To coordinate the provision of technical assistance to state and local government in a broad range of program and policy areas; ad
- To perform other such similar services and research as the Commission shall decide upon.
The Commission shall report annually to the Governor on its activities, and on the results of its studies, and shall include any recommendations for legislative, executive, or judicial administrative action to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Supreme Court. This Executive Order supercedes and rescinds any previous Executive Order on the same subject.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 21st day of September, 2001.
[Bob Holden's signature]
[Matt Blunt's signature]
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