WHEREAS, Missourians are entitled to a government that:
Measures and reports on its part in achieving measurable improvements Missourians desire in the quality of life in their state and communities;
Improves performance of its existing operations in an effective, efficient, and economical manner in order to achieve the best return on taxpayer dollars;
Implements policy innovations based on sound research and data and their impact on the priority goals of Missourians;
Provides full accountability for performance to state legislators, other elected officials, and those responsible for allocating the resources devoted to achieving priority goals;
Responds to the needs of the people who receive services funded by taxpayer dollars;
Involves front-line public sector employees and partners, community leaders, citizens, and academic institutions in designing both performance improvements and policy innovations; and
Promotes collaboration between and among those state agencies and other organizations that contribute to achieving the results desired by Missourians.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Holden, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby direct the executive branch to manage for results. Managing for results include performance-improvement and efficiency efforts, strategic planning for policy innovation, and the use of performance measures in state decision-making.
I further establish an Executive Team to oversee the state's efforts to manage for results. The Executive Team shall create an ongoing process to identify, select, and pursue policy and performance improvement opportunities in state government functions and activities. The Executive Team shall oversee efforts to support executive branch agencies in achieving results through performance improvement and policy innovation.
The Executive Team shall be composed of:
- The Governor;
- The Lieutenant Governor;
- The Commissioner of Administration;
- The Director of the Division of Budget and Planning in the Office of Administration; and
- Others as determined by the Governor.
The Executive Team shall ensure the development and implementation of a reporting system to enhance accountability to the state legislature and the public for efforts undertaken as part of this initiative. The Executive Team shall report twice a year to the Governor and the General Assembly on the status of efforts to manage for results, including the performance of these efforts in the areas of cost reduction, performance improvement, and policy innovation.
The members of the Executive Team shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor and shall serve without compensation, except that Executive Team members may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses arising from the Executive Team's activity or business.
In order to manage for results, all state agencies will be required to work cooperatively among themselves, and with community organizations and citizens to achieve better results. The Executive Team will determine necessary structure, membership, and charters for interagency policy teams or work groups.
As part of this effort, all state agencies will be expected to strive for Baldrige-award levels of performance excellence in leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, fact-based management, employee productivity and satisfaction, efficient and effective process management, and focusing on results.
Strategic planning and performance measures will be the basis of program implementation and the allocation of state resources. The planning and budgeting processes shall be linked so as to increase accountability by placing greater emphasis on benefits and results rather than activities and workload.
As a component of managing for results, I also recreate and re-establish the Interagency Planning Council, originally established under COMAP Order 94-04. The Interagency Planning Council will provide leadership in implementing the integrated strategic planning process in the executive branch and coordinate with the legislature to ensure that strategic plans and appropriate performance measures are the basis for appropriation requests by state agencies.
The Interagency Planning Council shall:
- Assist the departments by promoting the use and refinement of the strategic planning model;
- Facilitate effective coordination and integration of departmental responses to issues that cross organizational boundaries; and
- Serve as a clearinghouse for the departments by providing technical assistance, advice, and training in the area of strategic planning and development of and use of performance measures.
The Interagency Planning Council shall consist of not less than twenty members. The Governor will designate the co-chairs.
- One member shall be appointed from each of the sixteen executive departments;
- The Speaker of the House and the House Minority Leader shall each appoint one member of the House staff;
- The President Pro Tem of the Senate and the Senate Minority Leader shall each appoint one member of the Senate Appropriations or Research staff;
- One member shall represent the Division of Budget and Planning in the Office of Administration;
- One member shall be appointed from the Office of the Governor; and
- Such others members as the Governor may designate.
The members of the Interagency Planning Council shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor and shall serve without compensation, except that Council members may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses arising from the Council's activity or business.
Through this executive order, the following orders are hereby rescinded:
Executive Order 93-47, which established the Commission on Management and Productivity (COMAP);
COMAP Implementation Order 94-04, which established the previous manifestation of the Interagency Planning Council;
COMAP Implementation Order 95-01, which established the Excellence in Customer Service Oversight Team; and
COMAP Implementation Order 95-05 and Executive Order 00-23, which established the Council on Efficient Operations.
This order shall expire on December 31, 2004, unless renewed by Executive Order prior to that date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 19th day of November, 2001.
[Bob Holden's signature]
[Matt Blunt's signature]
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