WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation's Motor Carrier Services Unit is currently the state agency designated to issue permits to commercial motor vehicles for oversize and overweight vehicles, conduct the house-moving permit system, and issue bridge-stress studies and administer other road-safety programs for the citizens of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development, Division of Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety currently administers the Federal Single State Registration Program (SSRS) for commercial motor vehicles, and railroad and light rail safety program, the regulation of household goods and passenger transportation, and other safety, insurance and training programs in relation to commercial motor vehicles for the citizens of Missouri, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Revenue, Highway Reciprocity Commission provides commercial motor vehicle apportioned license plates through the International Registration Plan (IRP), cab cards, and International Fuel Tax (IFTA) licenses, and temporary trip permits to commercial motor vehicles and administers the provision of such services to its clients; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources issues hazardous waste transporter licenses and waste tire hauling permits to commercial motor vehicles for the hauling of such material for the benefit of Missouri citizens; and
WHEREAS, these agencies have worked closely together in the past; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the commercial motor vehicle licensing and permit programs currently administered by the Division of Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety, the Highway Reciprocity Commission, the Department of Transportation's Motor Carrier Services Unit, and the Department of Natural Resources' hazardous waste transporter licensing and waste tire permit functions in one state agency will benefit the citizens of the state by promoting efficiency and eliminating duplication of activities and administrative costs; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation currently compiles statistical information which is essential to the efficient operation of the transportation system; and
WHEREAS, combining the research and analysis functions of the Department of Transportation with other commercial motor vehicle licensing and permitting programs will result in a single point of contact for the motor carrier industry and a better consolidation of the functions relating to commercial motor vehicle licensing, permitting, regulation, safety and travel and would benefit the citizens of the state by further promoting safer and more efficient use of our highways by commercial motor vehicles.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BOB HOLDEN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and laws of the state of Missouri, do hereby re-establish the Motor Carrier Services Unit within the Department of Transportation. Said unit shall be designated to receive highway funds, shall administer programs under the federally mandated IRP, IFTA and SSRS agreements, and shall otherwise coordinate and administer the commercial motor vehicle licensing and permitting activities in order to improve transportation safety and customer satisfaction for the citizens of the state of Missouri.
All the authority, powers, permits, licenses, credentials, functions, records, personnel, property, receipts, contracts, and matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the: 1. Division of Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety within the Department of Economic Development, and 2. Highway Reciprocity Commission within the Department of Revenue are hereby transferred by a Type I transfer to the division of Motor Carrier Services within the Department of Transportation. The authority of the Administrative Law Judge shall be as currently provided in statute.
All the authority, powers, permits, licenses, credentials, functions, records, contracts, and matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of issuing hazardous waste transporter licenses and waste tire hauling permits within the Department of Natural Resources are also hereby transferred by a Type I transfer to the Motor Carrier Services Unit within the Department of Transportation. The personnel, receipts and property of this unit will remain at the Department of Natural Resources. The Department of Natural Resources shall continue to exist and perform its functions and duties related to the preservation of the state's land and water resources with the exception of issuing hazardous waste transporter licenses and waste tire hauling permits, for which it shall contract with the Department of Transportation.
The Motor Carrier Services Unit shall maintain a working relationship with the Department of Natural Resources for future improvements and upgrades to the hazardous waste transporter licensing and waste tire hauling permitting functions. The Division of Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety within the Department of Economic Development and the Highway Reciprocity Commission within the Department of Revenue are abrogated.
There shall be coordination between the training, licensing, permitting, and audit programs performed by the Department of Revenue, the Department of Natural Resources and the Motor Carrier Services Unit. There shall also be coordination between the motor vehicle insurance functions of the Department of Revenue and the Motor Carrier Services Unit.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 7th day of February, 2002.
[Bob Holden's signature]
[Matt Blunt's signature]
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