WHEREAS, the State of Missouri recognizes the need to provide all students with opportunities to receive a world-class education that will enable them to be successful in our global economy; and
WHEREAS, the State of Missouri has set high standards that challenge students and our public schools to meet rigorous academic expectations; and
WHEREAS, Missouri recognizes that a well-qualified teacher is the most important determinant of a student's success in school and that many of the state's "hard-to-staff" schools do not have a sufficient supply of qualified teachers; and
WHEREAS, recent federal legislation specifies that every public school classroom must have a well-qualified teacher by 2005; and
WHEREAS, business leaders in Missouri recognize that a well-trained and well-educated workforce is critically important to the competitiveness and creativity of existing businesses as well as to the state's future economic stability and growth; and
WHEREAS, Missouri business leaders recognize they can play a significant role in working with educators and policy makers to develop comprehensive and innovative policies and programs that will improve the recruitment and retention of qualified teachers for Missouri schools, including those that face the greatest challenges.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Holden, Governor of the State of Missouri, by the power vested in me by the Laws and Constitution of the State of Missouri, do hereby order and direct the creation of the Missouri Business Education Roundtable.
The purpose of the Missouri Business Education Roundtable shall be to examine current and projected needs for teachers in public schools, the effectiveness of current policies and programs that focus on the recruitment and retention of teachers, and the unique needs and concerns of hard-to-staff schools.
The Missouri Business Education Roundtable shall also address topics including, but not limited to: financial incentives used to attract qualified individuals to the teaching profession and to schools with the greatest needs; innovative approaches to mentoring and team-teaching programs for new teachers; the current status of teacher preparation programs in Missouri institutions of higher education, including alternative certification and internship programs; the professional-development needs of new teachers; and any other relevant education policies that may be identified.
The Missouri Business Education Roundtable shall be composed of not more than 40 members appointed by the Governor. Members shall include the Governor and shall include at least 4 representatives from the Missouri General Assembly, two of whom shall be from one political party and two of whom shall be from the other. The Roundtable membership shall also include state government employees, business and community leaders, and representatives of educational institutions and professional organizations. The Governor shall serve as the chairperson of the Roundtable with the authority to appoint one or more co-chairs at his discretion. The members of the Missouri Business Education Roundtable shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor and shall serve without compensation, except that the members may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses arising from the Roundtable's activity or business. Such expenses shall be paid by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, to which the Roundtable is assigned for administrative purposes.
In the interests of keeping the public informed, the Missouri Business Education Roundtable shall report its recommendations and strategies for implementing such recommendations to the Governor, The Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives, the President Pro Tem of the Senate, the members of the State Board of Education, and the members of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. Such report shall be submitted by June 30 of each year beginning in 2003. The Roundtable may also submit such interim reports as are necessary to keep the public informed of its progress.
The Missouri Business Education Roundtable shall convene no later than April 1, 2002.
This Executive Order shall expire three years from the date on which it is issued, unless the Missouri Business Education Roundtable is reauthorized by a later Executive Order.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 18th day of March, 2002.
[Bob Holden's signature]
[Matt Blunt's signature]
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