WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services is created pursuant to Article IV, Section 12, of the Missouri Constitution and Chapter 660, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Family Services is created and established as a division of the Missouri Department of Social Services, pursuant to Section 660.010, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Child Support Enforcement is created pursuant to Section 454.400, RSMo, within the Department of Social Services; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development is created pursuant to Article IV, Section 12, of the Missouri Constitution and Chapter 620, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Executive Order 99-03 and Chapter 620, RSMo, the Division of Workforce Development within the Missouri Department of Economic Development is the state agency designated to receive federal Wagner-Peyser funds, administer the free public employment offices, administer Workforce Investment Act funds, administer federal Welfare to Work grants, and administer other employment assistance programs for the citizens of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Department of Social Services is the state agency designated to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds and administer programs under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act, as amended; and
WHEREAS, federal law requires adults in families receiving assistance under TANF to engage in work activities to be eligible to continue to receive assistance, and
WHEREAS, federal law requires determination of the skills, prior work experience, and employability of certain TANF recipients, and
WHEREAS, federal law authorizes work activities such as job search and job readiness assistance, on-the-job training, subsidized employment, education and child care services, or other related assistance for certain participants, and
WHEREAS, the Division of Family Services within the Missouri Department of Social Services currently administers the foregoing assessment, employment, training, and placement activities under TANF; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Child Support Enforcement within the Missouri Department of Social Services administers the Parents Fair Share Program, which provides assessment, employment, training, and placement activities for non-custodial parents, and
WHEREAS, the Division of Workforce Development in the Missouri Department of Economic Development and the Division of Child Support Enforcement and Division of Family Services within the Missouri Department of Social Services have worked closely together in the past in providing the foregoing work-related programs and performing the foregoing work-related functions; and
WHEREAS, the merging of workforce functions will create a "no wrong door access" to employment services, making sure that all clients receive the highest quality training, support services, and work activities, thus increasing the number of employed and employable Missourians; and
WHEREAS, I am committed to integrating executive branch operations to improve the way the state delivers services; and
WHEREAS, the transfer of workforce and the Parents' Fair Share functions of the Department of Social Services to the Department of Economic Development is a component of the Governor's Reorganization Plan of 2003, which is designed to streamline state government and make it as efficient as possible.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BOB HOLDEN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby order:
- The transfer of assessment, employment, training, and placement functions under TANF from the Division of Family Services within the Missouri Department of Social Services to the Division of Workforce Development within the Missouri Department of Economic Development;
- The transfer of all the authority, powers, duties, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, budgets, matters pending, and other pertinent vestiges of the Division of Family Services within the Department of Social Services related to assessment, employment, training, and placement functions authorized by TANF for custodial parents to the Division of Workforce Development within the Missouri Department of Economic Development, by Type I transfer, as defined under the Reorganization Act of 1974;
- The transfer of assessment, employment, training, and placement functions in the Parent's Fair Share Program from the Division of Child Support Enforcement within the Missouri Department of Social Services to the Division of Workforce Development within the Missouri Department of Economic Development;
- The transfer of all the authority, powers, duties, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, budgets, matters pending, and other pertinent vestiges of the Division of Child Support Enforcement within the Department of Social Services related to assessment, employment, training, and placement services performed in the Parents Fair Share Program, authorized by TANF for non-custodial parents, to the Division of Workforce Development within the Missouri Department of Economic Development, by Type I transfer, as defined under the Reorganization Act of 1974;
- That the Department of Social Services and its divisions shall provide the Division of Workforce Development with access to supportive services as may be necessary to accomplish the assessment, employment, training, and placement services that are transferred herein,
- That the Department of Social Services and the Department of Economic Development develop the mechanisms and processes necessary to effectuate the transfer of the assessment, employment, training, and placement services as specified herein;
- The continuation of contractual agreements for the administration of assessment, employment, training, and placement functions under the Missouri Food Stamp Employment and Training Program between the Division of Family Services of the Missouri Department of Social Services (or its successor agency) to the Division of Workforce Development within the Missouri Department of Economic Development,
- The good faith negotiation of such contractual agreements by the Department of Social Services and the Department of Economic Development with the goal of providing the best services in an efficient manner, and
- The relevant agency or agencies to ensure the filing of any necessary state plan amendments and other actions necessary to maintain compliance with federal requirements.
This Order shall become effective no sooner than August 28, 2003 unless disapproved within sixty days of its submission to the First Regular Session of the 92nd General Assembly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 5th day of February, 2003.
[Bob Holden's signature]
Bob Holden
[Matt Blunt's signature]
Matt Blunt
Secretary of State
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