WHEREAS, the Missouri Office of Administration is created pursuant to Article IV, Section 12, of the Missouri Constitution and Chapter 37, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Department of Economic Development is created pursuant to Article IV, Section 12, of the Missouri Constitution and Chapter 620, RSMo; and
WHEREAS, the State Office of Equal Employment Opportunity is created by Executive Order 94-03 within the Office of Administration to ensure that there are "no vestiges of discrimination against persons on account of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status in not only employment practices but the provision of services and operation of facilities"; and
WHEREAS, the Minority Business Advocacy Commission is established by Section 33.752, RSMo, to further the interests and assess the needs of minority businesses in Missouri; and
WHEREAS, Section 33.752.6(13), RSMo, states that the Minority Business Advocacy Commission is responsible for receiving complaints and recommendations concerning policies and activities of federal, state, and local governmental agencies that affect minority small businesses, and for developing proposals for changes in policies or activities to alleviate any unnecessary adverse effects to minority small business; and
WHEREAS, Section 33.752.7, RSMo, states that the Department of Economic Development shall furnish administrative support and staff for the effective operation of the Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Office of Administration and Department of Economic Development agree that the Minority Business Advocacy Commission will be enhanced through placement within the Office of Administration; and
WHEREAS, I am committed to integrating executive branch operations to improve the way the state delivers services; and
WHEREAS, the transfer of the Minority Business Advocacy Commission to the Office of Administration is a component of the Governor's Reorganization Plan of 2003, which is designed to streamline state government and make it as efficient as possible.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BOB HOLDEN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby order the Department of Economic Development and the Office of Administration to cooperate to:
- Develop mechanisms and processes necessary to effectively transfer the Minority Business Advocacy Commission from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of Administration.
- Transfer all authority, powers, duties, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, budgets, matters pending, and other pertinent vestiges of the Minority Business Advocacy Commission to the Office of Administration, by Type II transfer, as defined under the Reorganization Act of 1974.
This Order shall become effective no sooner than August 28, 2003 unless disapproved within sixty days of its submission to the First Regular Session of the 92nd General Assembly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 5th day of February, 2003.
[Bob Holden's signature]
Bob Holden
[Matt Blunt's signature]
Matt Blunt
Secretary of State
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