WHEREAS, the production of automobiles in Missouri is an essential component of this state's economy; and
WHEREAS, the manufacturing of automobiles in Missouri supports secondary industries including local suppliers of essential automobile parts and products; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri automobile manufacturing industry contributes to employment of Missourians not only within the automotive plant but through other industries developed because of the manufacturing industry; and
WHEREAS, Missouri must place an emphasis on the importance of the automobile manufacturing industry in Missouri and its important role in the economy, and
WHEREAS, Missouri seeks to encourage Missouri businesses, business organizations, and educational institutions to work together in gathering information and statistical data concerning the importance of the automotive industry and retaining the industry in Missouri.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BOB HOLDEN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by the power vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby create and establish the Missouri Automotive Partnership (hereafter "MAP"), a privately funded, not-for-profit organization that will provide research and information essential for the promotion of the automotive industry and automotive industry employment in Missouri. The Missouri Department of Economic Development shall provide appropriate support as needed for the MAP.
Purpose and Mission of MAP
The MAP shall assist the State of Missouri and the Missouri Department of Economic Development by advising state government as to the current automotive industry environment in Missouri, the United States, and internationally. The MAP shall bring together industry, labor, academia, and government leaders in an effort to find solutions to the competitive issues facing the automotive industry today. The MAP shall communicate industry needs and concerns to the State of Missouri in a timely manner. The MAP shall advise the state of proposed state economic policies and the possible impact of such policies on the performance of Missouri's automotive industry. The MAP shall share with state policy makers its informed opinion with regard to future structural changes in automotive markets and technologies that may affect the state's overall economy. The MAP shall sponsor research and public automotive forums on pressing issues of concern to both the automotive industry and the state. Finally, the MAP, through its activities, shall promote the increase of productivity and quality of automotive industry employment.
Duties of MAP
The MAP shall have the following responsibilities:
- To undertake, as it deems appropriate, research and investigation into issues and problems related to the automobile industry; and
- To review and analyze proposed legislation and regulatory changes that affect the automobile industry in Missouri; and
- To identify and prioritize key issues relating to the competitiveness of the automobile industry; and
- To recommend actions to strengthen the industry in the short and long-term and opportunities for future innovation and investment in the industry; and
- To share with policy makers its informed opinion of future, structural changes in automotive markets and technologies that could affect the state's overall economy; and
- To assist policy makers in developing strategies to assist the state in retaining, growing, and attracting highly productive, competitive, and quality automobile industry employment.
The articles of incorporation and bylaws of the MAP shall provide as follows: The Board of Directors of the corporation will consist of no more than thirty-six (36) members. Members of the Board of Directors shall include but not be limited to the following:
- Members representing each of the major automotive assemblers located in Missouri; and
- Members representing Missouri based automotive industry supplier manufacturers; and
- Members representing automobile dealers in the State of Missouri; and
- Members representing organized labor; and
- Members representing public or private higher education institutions; and
- The Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development; and
- The Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources; and
- The Director of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations; and
- The Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
- The President Pro Tern of the Senate; and
- Members representing related automotive support industries or aftermarket manufacturing; and
- Members representing the local economic development issues from a regional aspect; and
- Other members as the Governor may appoint.
- Members of MAP shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses.
Members of MAP shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses.
Term of Membership
Each MAP member shall serve for a period of three years and may be re-appointed at the conclusion of his or her term. Appointments shall be made so that one-third of the membership of the MAP shall terminate each year. All the MAP members shall meet collectively or as subcommittees on a regular basis at least four (4) times per year.
The Governor shall select the initial co-chairpersons for the MAP who shall serve for a term not to exceed one year. Thereafter, the members of the MAP shall elect a chairperson or co-chairpersons who shall serve for a period of one year and may be retained for subsequent terms by the MAP vote. If the MAP elects a single chairperson, then the MAP shall elect a vice-chairperson to serve for a term of one year and may be retained for subsequent terms by the MAP vote. The MAP shall represent the geographic diversity of the State of Missouri when electing the chairperson or co-chairpersons.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 14 th day of January, 2004.
[Bob Holden's signature]
[Matt Blunt's signature]
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