WHEREAS, clean, reliable, affordable, and abundant energy is critical to the health and welfare of Missouri citizens and to moving Missouri's economy forward; and
WHEREAS, our Strategic Initiative for Economic Growth identified "Energy Solutions" as one of the seven targeted industries with the greatest potential for creating jobs and spurring economic growth in the State of Missouri; and
WHEREAS, establishing policies to encourage the efficient use of energy in all sectors of the economy will allow Missouri citizens to more effectively manage their household budgets and Missouri businesses to run more profitably; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of energy's unique and growing importance to the state's economy, Executive Order 13-03, transferred the Division of Energy, formerly located within the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, to the Missouri Department of Economic Development, the executive agency charged with promoting economic growth and job creation; and
WHEREAS, the transfer of the Division of Energy to the Missouri Department of Economic Development benefits the State of Missouri through a better alignment of goals to promote the development, security and affordability of diverse energy sources essential to the future of Missouri's economy; and
WHEREAS, Missouri will benefit from a cohesive and comprehensive set of policies designed to guide the development of future energy supply and energy use; and
WHEREAS, meeting our need for clean, affordable, and abundant energy in the future will require a diverse energy portfolio and a strategic approach, requiring engagement of all energy stakeholders in a comprehensive planning process; and
WHEREAS, a comprehensive statewide energy plan will foster the efficient allocation of capital among competing energy resources and spur job creation and economic growth; and
WHEREAS, a comprehensive statewide energy plan will provide a framework to ensure stable and predictable electricity prices.
NOW THEREFORE, I, JEREMIAH W. (JAY) NIXON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby order that:
The Division of Energy shall lead a statewide initiative to develop a comprehensive State Energy Plan to chart a course toward a sustainable and prosperous energy future that will create jobs and improve Missourians' qualify of life.
The State Energy Plan shall include analyses and recommendations to guide the State of Missouri and its stakeholders in reliably meeting future energy needs, while fostering energy-related economic development. The State Energy Plan shall include an inventory and assessment of current and future energy supply and demand, examine existing energy policies, and identify emerging challenges and opportunities.
The Division of Energy shall solicit input from the public and energy stakeholders, including consumers, businesses, utilities, energy companies, academicians, political subdivisions and environmental advocates. The Division of Energy shall conduct public meetings around the state.
The Plan shall identify policies to meet Missouri's short-term and long-term needs for clean, reliable, affordable and abundant energy.
The Plan shall guide the development of Missouri's energy infrastructure to further the State's economic development, while ensuring access to affordable energy resources for all Missouri citizens and businesses.
The Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following energy-related topics: 1) Electric Generation; 2) Fuels and Resource Extraction; 3) Energy Distribution; 4) Energy Usage; 5) Energy Storage; 6) Energy-related Land Use; 7) Energy/Water Nexus; 8) Energy Pricing and Rate-setting Processes; 9) Energy Security and Assurance; and 10) Energy Resources in Emergencies.
The Plan shall identify any changes to statutes or regulations that are necessary to its implementation.
The Plan shall be developed in a manner that will allow the public and representatives of all interested stakeholders to participate.
All executive branch entities, including but not limited to, the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture, the Office of Administration, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Department of Higher Education, the Department of Transportation, the Public Service Commission, the Office of the Public Counsel, and the State Emergency Management Agency shall provide administrative support and coordination with the Division of Energy in the development of the State Energy Plan.
The Division of Energy shall deliver a State Energy Plan to the Governor by May 31, 2015.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 18th day of June, 2014.
[Jay Nixon's signature]
Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon
[Jason Kander's signature]
Jason Kander
Secretary of State
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