WHEREAS, communities in our state are facing serious issues involving race, economic and educational opportunities and poverty; and
WHEREAS, these issues deserve our continued focus, public discourse and policy action; and
WHEREAS, Missouri state government must continue to be a leader in facilitating communication and taking action with respect to these critical issues; and
WHEREAS, Missouri state government must engage with communities, public and private sector leaders, clergy and citizens on these public policy matters; and
WHEREAS, the establishment of an office dedicated to working directly with citizens and community leaders on these issues of importance will provide a mechanism for state government to hear and better understand the challenges affecting citizens and communities and to assist in formulating appropriate policy actions.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEREMIAH W. (JAY) NIXON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri, do hereby establish the Office of Community Engagement.
The Office of Community Engagement shall be headed by a Director and directly supported by a Deputy Director/General Counsel and such other personnel as necessary to effectuate its duties and responsibilities.
The Office of Community Engagement shall substantively engage communities, public and private sector leaders, clergy and citizens across the State of Missouri in meaningful communication regarding critical issues affecting our citizens and communities. The Office of Community Engagement shall be further responsible for assisting in the development of policies and strategies to enable all citizens and communities in our state to prosper.
The Office of Community Engagement shall organizationally be created within the Office of Administration, and the Office of Administration shall provide the Office of Community Engagement with such administrative assistance as may be required to fulfill its mission.
The Office of Community Engagement may make recommendations to the Department of Economic Development, Missouri Community Service Commission, Missouri Housing Development Commission and other boards, commissions and agencies that administer programs designed to assist low-income individuals, urban neighborhoods, community redevelopment and similar activities.
The Office of Community Engagement shall recommend individuals to the administration for appointment to boards, commissions and agencies of the state.
All departments of state government shall cooperate with the Office of Community Engagement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 18th day of September, 2014.
[Jay Nixon's signature]
Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon
[Jason Kander's signature]
Jason Kander
Secretary of State
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