WHEREAS, the people of Missouri deserve more quality jobs; and
WHEREAS, the State of Missouri has a skilled workforce able to manufacture materials and products sold around the world; and
WHEREAS, government should not prevent businesses from coming and growing here; and
WHEREAS, one critical measure not addressed by the 2017 legislative session would have kept Missouri in the running for a steel mill and additional manufacturing jobs; and
WHEREAS, the top priority of Missouri's elected leaders should be to fight for new jobs for Missourians; and
WHEREAS, in order to compete for new manufacturing jobs, utilities need additional flexibility; and
WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 9 of the Missouri Constitution authorizes the Governor on extraordinary occasions to convene the General Assembly by proclamation, wherein he shall state specifically each matter on which action is deemed necessary; and
WHEREAS, the need to provide the Public Service Commission with flexibility to approve special electricity rates for steel works, aluminium smelting facilities, or other similar facilities, in order to attract new jobs to Missouri, is an extraordinary occasion envisioned by Article IV, Section 9 of the Missouri Constitution.
NOW THEREFORE, on the extraordinary occasion that exists in the State of Missouri:
I, ERIC R. GREITENS, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor by the Constitution of the State of Missouri, do, by this Proclamation, convene the Ninety-Ninth General Assembly of the State of Missouri in the First Extra Session of the First Regular Session; and
I HEREBY state that the action of said General Assembly is deemed necessary concerning each matter specifically designated and limited hereinafter follows:
- To enact legislation authorizing the Public Service Commission to approve a special electricity rate for an aluminium smelting facility, a steel works facility, or other similar facility that is not based on the electrical corporation's cost of service, provided that the Public Service Commission (1) determines the special electricity rate for the facility is in the interest of the State of Missouri; (2) approves a uniform percentage adjustment in each general rate proceeding; (3) approves a tracking mechanism to track changes in the net margin experienced by the electrical corporation; and (4) approves either a rate schedule reflecting the special electricity rate if the facility is located within the electrical corporation's certificated service territory or a contract reflecting the special electricity rate, but neither the rate schedule nor the contract shall allow the special electricity rate to continue beyond ten years.
- To enact legislation authorizing the Public Service Commission to allow electrical corporations a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair return, by methods such as rate adjustment mechanisms not otherwise statutorily authorized, which the commission shall lack authority to modify or eliminate during the specified term.
- Such additional and other matters as may be recommended by the Governor by special message to the General Assembly after it shall have been convened.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 18th day of May, 2017.
[Eric R. Greitens's signature]
Eric R. Greitens
[Jay Ashcroft's signature]
Secretary of State
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