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Missouri Birth & Death Records Database


Permanent Record of Births

CountyRoll NumberPageNumber
PolkC 5519768
Date of Return
  1. Name of Child
  2. Sex
  3. No. of Child of this Mother
Race or Color
  1. Date of Birth
  2. Place of Birth
  1. Spilman,
  2. Female
  3. 1st
  1. 09/09/1884
  2. Green Twp
  1. Nationality of Father
  2. Place of Birth
  1. Nationality of Mother
  2. Place of Birth
  1. U.S.
  2. Polk Co., MO
  1. U.S.
  2. Polk Co., MO
  1. Full Name of Mother
  2. Maiden Name of Mother
  3. Residence of Mother
  1. Full Name of Father
  2. Occupation
  1. Name and Address of Medical Attendant
  2. Name and Address of Person making Certificate
  3. Returned by
  1. Amelia A. Spilman
  2. Amelia A. Heart
  3. Green Twp
  1. Samuel G. Spilman
  2. Farmer
  1. J.F. Roberts, MD Bolivar, MO
  2. J.F. Roberts, MD
  3. J.F. Roberts, MD
 Bolivar, MO

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