Missouri Birth & Death Records Database


CountyRoll NumberPageNumber
VernonC 422948
Date of Report
  1. Name
  2. Sex
  3. Color
  1. Age (Year/Month/Day)
  2. Occupation
  1. George Overton
  2. Male
  3. White
  1. 60y
  2. Farmer
Date of Death
(Month/Day/Year AM or PM)
Single, Married,
Widower or Widow
  1. Nationality
  2. Place of Birth
  1. English
How long Resident in the state.
  1. Place of Death
  2. Cause of Death
  1. Complication
  2. Duration of Complication
  3. Duration of Disease
10 or 12 years
  1. Near Nevada
  2. Typhoid fever
  1. 10 days
  1. Place of Burial
  2. Date of Burial
  1. Name of Undertaker
  2. Place of Business
Name and Residence
of Physician
Returning Certificate
  1. Near Nevda
E.J. Warth, Nevada, MO

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