Local Records :: Conservation Services Default
Conservation Services
Treatment of Paper Records

The Local Records Preservation Program has Missouri’s only publicly-funded conservation laboratory. The laboratory was opened in 1991 for the treatment of paper-based records. Conservators provide treatment services for local government records in Missouri, as well as for holdings of the Missouri State Archives. The typical course of treatment includes examination, surface cleaning, removal of adhesive tape, and mending; for some documents, washing and other processes may be included. Many of these procedures are illustrated in the following programs: Conservation Treatment of the Dred Scott Papers, Conservation Treatment of the 1860 Map of the City of Palmyra
, and St. Charles County Circuit Court Documents: Conservation Treatment by the Missouri State Archives

Conservation staff provide outreach services to local government offices on all aspects of records preservation, including shelving and storage, environmental control, display, pest management, and disaster preparedness. Conservators provide workshops, train local staff members, and answer questions by phone. On occasion, the conservators make onsite assessments to help local officials identify and prioritize areas of need. Call 573-751-9047 for further information on these services.
Preservation Basics Videos
Information Resources
The Local Records Preservation Program publishes a collection of fact sheets called Conservation Notes
Local government agencies considering or planning the creation of a record center should consult the LR guidelines Preservation Concerns in Planning a Records Center for recommendations about environmental control, disaster preparedness, storage fixtures, and other preservation guidelines.
A wealth of preservation information is available on the Web, including the outstanding site at Conservation OnLine, a compilation of many organizations' publications designed for the non-specialist.
The staff has identified many firms that provide preservation supplies and services
focusing on those serving Missouri. A broader listing is available through Conservation OnLine.
Disaster Preparedness & Response
Conservators provide guidance to local officials regarding disaster preparedness and offer guidance and referrals in the event of a disaster. Please call (573) 751-9047 for further information regarding planning and response.