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Missouri Electronic Records Education and Training Initiative (MERETI)


A particular goal of the MERETI project was to increase awareness of electronic records issues among key groups of officials who hold great influence within government agencies on such matters, the information technology managers and the government attorneys. To this end, the project provided two presentations specifically targeted to these groups. These presentations are provided below.

In addition, at the conclusion of the seven general workshops, the project team made a follow-up briefing to the Information Technology Advisory Board on the results of the project, and provided ITAB members with a copy of the complete workshop notebook for their reference use.

Presentation 1 - Information Technology Advisory Board - Sept. 16, 2003

Electronic Recordkeeping and Electronic Government
Robert Horton - State Archivist, Minnesota Historical Society

Presentation 2 - Missouri Bar Association - June 10, 2004

Electronic Records: Considerations for Lawyers
Barclay Blair - Director, Technology Practice, Kahn Consulting, Inc.